Sunday, September 7, 2014

Takin' It Easy

I can't believe that summer is officially over! School started early this year, so come the 19th of August I started first grade for my third year in a row. This was the first year that my birthday has actually been on a school day, and one of my cuties even gave me a present! Not a bad way to start the school year (not to mention quickly establish your spot as the teacher's favorite.)

After a couple long weeks of first grade, we were ready to take it easy for Labor Day weekend. We naturally celebrated with one of each of our favorite things- a dim sum breakfast (Brax) and outlet shopping (me). Our real celebration came Tuesday, though, when we got to go see The Eagles play in Salt Lake. Brax and I both grew up listening to them and always said we'd go see them if they ever came close, so luckily my students from last year just happened to be silent reading when the tickets went on sale at 10:00 am on a school day. ;) It was so fun to get to see them- definitely the highlight of our holiday weekend!

They were sticklers about not taking any pictures during the show-
 but I think this one basically captures all of our excitement pretty well.

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